A scientific lecture entitled “Earthquake Engineering”
A scientific lecture entitled “Earthquake Engineering, the latest technological findings in the seismic design of concrete structures”
Al-Hawash Private University, in cooperation with the Engineers Syndicate – Homs Branch, organized a scientific lecture entitled “Earthquake Engineering, the latest technological findings in the seismic design of concrete structures,” in which Professor Milad Hanna, a professor at the College of Engineering at California State University – USA, lectured this Saturday morning. 8/3/2024 On the university stage in the presence of Engineer Kamel Ayoub, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Risha, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Prof.Hiam Al-Bishara, President of Al-Hawash Private University, and Prof. Samar Al-Dayoub The Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Mr. Khalil Jadid, the head of the Engineers Syndicate in Homs Governorate, and the members of the Engineers Syndicate, Homs Branch, and the deans of colleges and heads of departments at the university.
The lecture was opened with a minute of silence in honor of the souls of our honorable martyrs, followed by the anthem of the Syrian Arab Republic and welcoming the honorable audience. The lecture topics included an explanation of earthquake engineering and the latest technology findings in the seismic design of concrete structures and the design of earthquake-resistant facilities. Models of buildings damaged as a result of earthquakes were also presented. In various countries and clarifying the structural errors in these buildings. In turn, Professor Hanna discussed how to correct earthquake errors by designing buildings that have certain engineering specifications. He also highlighted the international earthquake-resistant design codes and the basics of ground movement, vibrational forces, and the vibrational movement of structures and their impact on the possibility of an earthquake occurring.
The lecture included an opening for discussion and interventions between the attendees and the lecturer. In turn, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ahmed Ramadan, presented the Al-Hawash Private University memorial shield to Professor Milad Hanna in appreciation of his efforts in enriching the lecture and the valuable information he provided. Many thanks to Prof. Mahmoud Al-Sibai for his efforts. In translating the lecture.
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