Modern trends in the world of cosmteology
The project explains the techniques used in the world of cosmetics in the past, traditional and natural methods in treating cosmetic skin problems, and the mechanism of the development of the art of cosmetics over time and its dimensions expanded, as plastic surgery was used professionally and cosmetic powders, creams and pastes were formulated for each skin problem, and the development of cosmetics did not stop. Here, injection techniques and the use of needles containing skin-tightening materials appeared, and this art continued its development with the invention of electronic devices for skin care, improving its appearance and concealing its defects.
AL-Hawash University family congratulates the students and their families on their success and wishes them success in their professional lives.
Done By :
Carla Nazeh Al-Kraz
Carol Haitham Khori
Supervisor By :
DR. Taeseer Ibrahem