Vision, Mission & Core Values
The HPU`s Faculty of Engineering comprises three main departments of engineering:
- Architecture Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- IT Engineering
Vision :
Our vision is to have a leading role in engineering academic education that is locally aware, and connected to the society it serves.
The HPU`s Faculty of Engineering aims at preparing an outstanding engineer capable of teamwork, innovation and creativity, through continual education, learning, teaching and scientific research. This is besides knowledge exchange according to the highest academic and professional criteria to serve the needs of local, national, and international society. The Faculty also aims at encouraging technical and scientific spread.
The mission of the HPU`s Faculty of Engineering is to create an advanced educational and research community capable of providing the latest sciences, knowledge and expertise in various engineering disciplines, which will advance the scientific and technical progress in Syria and develop the prospects for sustainable development therein.
The Faculty is working on preparing the highly-qualified engineer scientifically, practically and morally, and capable of developing his/her skills and information constantly according to the latest academic data. In these regards, the Faculty will provide qualified staff capable of developing engineering work and researches and using the latest engineering techniques to serve the developmental process in the country.
The Faculty also seeks to develop scientific and academic research and provide it with the latest international achievements, which will positively affect the development and welfare of the society.
Goals :
The overall goals for the HPU`s Faculty of Engineering are:
- Educate students in their choice of engineering majors.
- Educate students on what it means to be in engineering.
- Provide students with essential tools for further study in engineering.
The learning objectives for the Faculty are:
- Apply the engineering problem-solving process to solve basic engineering design and analysis problems.
- Solve basic analytical (and design) problems using engineering tools, and be proficient and efficient in the use of these tools.
- Choose appropriate tools to solve specific engineering problems.
- In order to meet the stated goals and objectives, students must be able to:
- Apply the general problem-solving process and tools to introductory domain-specific problems;
- Be able to identify necessary known and unknown information towards a solution and the process to be followed to arrive at a solution;
- Work effectively in small groups through well-developed problem-solving skills and be able to organize the group to optimize performance and results.
- Throughout the course of the learning process and to fully realize the value-added aspect of this course, students should be able to:
- Identify with what it means to be an Engineer and being a part of the engineering community through exposure to practicing engineers, engineering faculty, graduate students, and fellow undergraduate students;
- Understand the focus of each (selected) engineering major and then be able to make an informed choice on a direction of study;
- Begin building professional relationships with faculty members within the students department of interest.
The HPU`s Faculty of Engineering aspires to be the first institution in the Middle East to graduate highly-qualified engineers with distinguished and competitive competencies, and to lead the reform in engineering education and scientific research in various engineering fields.