Hodgkin's lymphoma and its relationship to blood groups
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a rare malignant proliferation of lymphocytes that has two peaks: the first in young people and the second over 60 years of age. The cause is often unknown, but the Epstein-Barr virus is accused of causing it. It has many symptoms, the most important of which is superficial lymphadenopathy, where the nodes become enlarged and hard and painless, in addition to the general symptoms of malignancy. Confirmatory diagnosis is excisional biopsy to look for Reed-Sternberg cells and immunohistochemical staining. Its classical forms: nodular sclerosing, mixed cellularity, lymphopenia, lymphocytosis, non-classical form: nodular lymphocytic predominance. The most common type is nodular sclerosing and the best prognosis is lymphocytosis The basic treatment is chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, and the treatment varies according to each stage. The most common chemotherapy used is ABVD, and the recovery rate is very high. We may resort to bone marrow transplantation or immunotherapy in cases of relapse or recalcitrance. Monitoring must be done after treatment to ensure admission. In the remission stage and monitoring the occurrence of secondary cancers. In this research, the relationship between the incidence of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the type of blood was explained through a number of international studies, in addition to a field study that we conducted in (Tishreen University Hospitals in Latakia – Al-Basel in Homs) and we found that those with type O are the most susceptible to infection with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. AB is the rarest.
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Done By :
Bahaa Yaseen Ali
Yara Samir Edrees
Supervisor By :
DR. Gergos Deeb